Here are tips/ideals that I try to live up to (in no particular order):

  1. Pick up skills that would be useful should the world's infrastructure collapse: metal working, wood working, or farming
  2. Have a garden and understand how food comes into existence
  3. Work your body by being productive
  4. Enjoy alcohol with the company of others
  5. Learn to cook, and then actually cook
  6. Buy simple clothes; avoid fads and designer labels
  7. Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to where you want to go
  8. Avoid cigarettes
  9. Cook for others
  10. Always pick up the dinner bill, and fight for it; going dutch is not love
  11. Fix things that you can
  12. Invest in tools, either your own collection or a community workshop
  13. Invest in yourself via education and skill building
  14. Invest in your community with time and love
  15. Learn to relax without guilt
  16. Dress the way you want to live
  17. Commute to work with a bike
  18. Focus on production rather than consumption
  19. Never eat alone while working
  20. Always help those around you when you can and able
  21. Understand and connect emotionally with your customer
  22. Avoid pre-prepared foods from the grocery
  23. Only use credit for convience
  24. Use a reliable car with good gas mileage
  25. Help your neighbors
  26. Everything is your job